Tuesday, November 28, 2006

House heater, how seasonal ;-)

Just decided to add one more heating zone to a 3 level(basement, 1st-floor, 2nd-floor) 2-zone (one zone is for 1stand 2nd floor) house.

Why bother?… well:
- more comfortable,
- easy to add,
- projecting 300-400$ in savings for a heating season…

so what I did:
- turn the water off
- drop the water from heater system
- cut, and unsolder Y-join and old-unused piping.
- construct a new feed thru motorized-zoning valve (the box with wires)
- solder all together
- make all electrical connections
- bleed air out of the system

it was a two tries in project, old 270 degree coupler has hair thin crack, and I thought it's a unsolder, so I solder it back, but got the water leaking again... remove it, bought new one, solder it on place, this time it worked without the problem.

I guess the tricky part was to bleed the air out of the system, spend 2 hours to get it right.

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